Membership Dues Schedule

Your CIPHC Membership renewal is due in November. You can pay your dues
with PayPal by clicking the Paypal link at the bottom of this page.
Or you can mail a check to the club below or pay in person at a Happy Hour or other club event.

PO Box 6077
Peoria, IL 61601

Costs for membership renewals are as follows (no online processing fee when paid by check):

Type Annual DuesOnline Processing Total
New Membership (Single) $20.00 $1.50 $21.50
New Membership (Couples) $35.00 $1.50 $36.50
Renewal prior to November 30 (Single) $15.00 $1.50 $16.50
Renewal prior to November 30 (Couple) $25.00 $1.50 $26.50
New Member Renewal (Single)* $10.00 $1.50 $11.50
New Member Renewal (Couples)* $15.00 $1.50 $16.50
Late Renewal (After November 30) Same as New Membership (see above)

* Any new members who have joined CIPHC within
months of November Renewals– e.g. between May 31th
and October 31 – 
will receive a special $5.00 renewal discount per person in addition to the on-time $5.00 per person renewal discount.  To claim this discount select the “New Member” renewal option in the menu.

Pay Now with Paypal!