2017 Club Charity Calendar

17 Jan

Laurel Pollentier has released a list of the monthly Charity projects for 2017.  Please review the list and we hope to see a big turn out at the events.  They are always a good time and help out in many ways!

Central Illinois Parrot Head Charity Events 2017

January 4, 2017      Tazewell County Animal Protective Society
Collected pet food and treats

February 25, 2017     Tazewell County Veteran’s Assistance Commission Food Bank
Mardi Gras Game Night – Collect non-perishable food items and cash

March 2017     Hope Chest, Pekin IL
Sort, organize & shelve donated clothing & items

April 2017    Midwest Food Bank
Prepare food for Food Bank

May 26, 2017     St. Jude Hospital
Louie Louie Parade, Downtown Peoria — Members collect donations, Participate

June 7, 2017     Peoria Rescue Ministries
Donate items from Needs List for shelters

June 2017     Good Neighbor Days, Washington, IL
Members volunteer

July 8, 2017     Leather and Leis River Run 2017
HUGE PARTY for Illinois CancerCare Foundation

August 2017     TCRC Ann Benjamin Camp
Members provide and conduct Luau activities and snacks

September 2017     Alzheimer’s Walk
Members participate and collect donations

October 2017     Wildlife Prairie Park
Volunteer for Wildlife Scary Park

November 11, 2017     Pekin VFW Veteran’s Breakfast
Members help serve and donate tickets

December 2017     Children’s Hospital of Peoria
Members donate crayons and color books for the kids